Layer Information (for flags, banners and feather flags)


Single Layer (Single-sided)

Most flags are single layer. This allows flags to fly nicely in the wind as they are lighter in weight. When printing single layered flags the back will be a mirror image.

Double Layers (Double-sided)

Double layered flags are less common than single layered flags. Double layered flags are made by taking two printed or sewn flags and sewing them together with a blockout liner in between. Each side will read correctly with minimal light showing through. Double layered flags can be used indoors or outdoors. However, the extra weight may affect their flying and make them sag or "pillow".


Single Layer (Single-sided)

When displaying a printed single layered banner, the back will show the mirror image. Most banners are produced in this manner. As they are lighter in weight, they will "flutter" in the wind, which will catch the passerby’s eye; this is one of the purposes of the banner.

Double Layers (Double-sided)

Double layered banners read correctly on both sides. They usually include a third layer of lining made of either lightweight Tyvec* (*cannot be exposed to high heat through ironing or drying) or the heavier and more lightfast blockout nylon to minimize light showing through. Since double-sided banners are typically displayed with tension, the extra weight only minimally affects its flying. However, the banner arms may be affected as the banner weight is significant greater with double-sided banners. As well, they require more care in laundering and drying if necessary.

Feather Flags

Single Layer (Single-sided)

As with banners and flags, single layered feather flags are the most common and the mirror image shows on the back.

Double Layers (Double-sided)

Double layered feather flags will read correctly on both sides but are less common than single layer. The double layered feather flags consist of two printed flags sewn together with a liner to make them more opaque. Depending on how the feather flag attaches to its hardware, the flying can be affected by the extra weight of the layers. Double layered feather flags may also have "pillowing".


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